“Unlocking the Web: Discover the Secrets Behind Domain Names and How They Power Your Online Presence!”

"Unlocking the Web: Discover the Secrets Behind Domain Names and How They Power Your Online Presence!"

Domains make the internet as we know it possible and are an important piece of your website’s overall branding. But you may be asking yourself:

  • How do domain names actually work? 
  • Why do they matter?
  • How do I get one?

We’ll answer all of that (and more) in this beginner’s guide to website domains.

What is a domain name?

A domain name (or simply “domain”) is your website’s address on the web. google.com, wikipedia.com, and wordpress.com are all domains.

A domain can have many pages and URLs—such as https://wordpress.com/blog/—but the domain name itself is only the name plus its ending.

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