“Unlocking the Web: Discover the Secrets Behind Domain Names and How They Power Your Online Presence!”

"Unlocking the Web: Discover the Secrets Behind Domain Names and How They Power Your Online Presence!"
'https://wordpress.com/blog/' written in white text on a blue background with an orange outline around 'wordpress.com'

Besides hosting, domains are the second-most important element to make a website available online.

But did you know that domains are only placeholders? They are stand-ins for IP addresses, which look something like this:

IP addresses are like home addresses for devices on a network, helping them find and communicate with each other. On the internet, this usually means a server—a computer that stores and shares websites so people can visit them.

In theory, you can also access a website if you know its server’s IP address, but those numbers are much harder to remember, and the IP address can also change over time. That’s why we use domain names—they’re a more human-friendly way to access information across the internet.

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