“Unmasking the Deceit: The Shocking Truth Behind WritersWeekly’s Battle Against Publishing Scams!”

You know why you can’t find it? Because that book doesn’t exist! But, when Googling the book title and author’s name, I found this:

IT’S A FAKE BOOK!!! Let’s take another look at that attractive woman in the photo from the top of their website. Any normal person would assume that is Tina Kang, the author of that book, and Book Publishing HQ’s author, right?

Well, now that you already know it’s a fake book, you know that ain’t Tina! But, who is she?

She’s a model!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If this company is so successful (remember, #1 in the U.S.!!!), why in the world do they have a fake book and a fake author at the top of their homepage? I know why. And, now you do, too! To try to trick you!!

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