“Unmasking the Deceiver: How Sulman Qamar’s Social Media Scheme Exploits Fans and Breaches Copyright”

I was alerted by one of our writers this week that she found her WritersWeekly.com article posted by someone on LinkedIn. And, that person claimed the article as his own!

COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: That article was stolen, word-for-word, from WritersWeekly’s page RIGHT HERE.

I did some further digging. The guy’s website is fanslikefollower.com (notice the syntax error in the name, a common error found on foreign scam websites!). I found an additional eight articles that he stole, word-for-word, from WritersWeekly.com. And, he claimed to be the author of all of those articles. And, you can bet your bottom dollar that he stole other articles that he posted on his website as well!

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