“Unmasking the Deceiver: How Sulman Qamar’s Social Media Scheme Exploits Fans and Breaches Copyright”

WEBSITE WARNING: My Norton Anti-virus program popped up a warning each time I accessed a page on his website, saying it’s a “dangerous webpage” with a threat category of “URL:Malvertising.”

LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES! Interestingly enough, the website is even further slimy because he sells followers, likes, and views to unwary people who don’t know they’re dealing with a scammer. The guy’s name is Sulman Qamar, who, on Facebook, claims to be a “Video editor and digital Marketing expert.” HA HA HA!! And, he’s in Pakistan. The website boasts: “Founded in 2018, Fanslikefollower has been your go-to partner for enhancing your social media presence and more. With over a decade of experience, we continue to assist you in boosting your social media accounts effortlessly.

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