“Unmasking the Drunken Alter Ego: 9 Disturbing Behaviors Revealed by Psychology That Fuel Aggression”
It’s as if they’re so caught up in their own emotional turmoil that they lose the ability to connect with how others might be feeling. They become less sensitive to other’s emotions and more focused on their own reactions.
We’ve all had moments where we’ve been less empathetic than we’d like to admit. But when this lack of empathy becomes more pronounced in someone after they’ve had a few drinks, it’s a cause for concern.
Let’s be clear: this isn’t about blaming or shaming.
It’s about recognizing the signs of alcohol-induced aggression so we can better navigate these challenging situations. If you notice a distinct drop in someone’s empathy levels after they start drinking, it could be a sign that they’re veering towards aggression.
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