“Unmasking the Drunken Alter Ego: 9 Disturbing Behaviors Revealed by Psychology That Fuel Aggression”

"Unmasking the Drunken Alter Ego: 9 Disturbing Behaviors Revealed by Psychology That Fuel Aggression"

7) They display an exaggerated sense of entitlement

Imagine you’re at a party. The music is playing, people are laughing, and the drinks are flowing. Suddenly, someone insists on changing the music to their preference, disregarding the fact that everyone else is enjoying the current playlist. They’re not requesting; they’re demanding.

Does this sound familiar?

This exaggerated sense of entitlement is a common trait among individuals who become aggressive after drinking. It’s as if they believe their needs and wants should take precedence over everyone else’s. They may act as if the world should revolve around them, and when it doesn’t, they react aggressively.

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