“Unmasking the Drunken Alter Ego: 9 Disturbing Behaviors Revealed by Psychology That Fuel Aggression”

"Unmasking the Drunken Alter Ego: 9 Disturbing Behaviors Revealed by Psychology That Fuel Aggression"

But add alcohol into the mix, and it’s a whole different story.

See, alcohol can impair our ability to process information and handle stress effectively. So, those with already low frustration tolerance may find it even more difficult to keep their emotions in check when they’ve had a few drinks.

Suddenly, inconveniences they would typically shrug off seem insurmountable. Every little thing seems designed to provoke them. And that’s when the aggressive behavior kicks in.

3) They display increased physical activity

While it might seem counterintuitive, especially considering the previous point about decreased tolerance for frustration, alcohol-induced aggression often manifests as increased physical activity.

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