“Unraveling Shadows: What Secrets Lurk Beneath the Surface of Venice’s Enigmatic Serpent?”

"Unraveling Shadows: What Secrets Lurk Beneath the Surface of Venice’s Enigmatic Serpent?"

Bout of Books is a great way to interact with new bloggers so I thought it would be a fun chance for us each to introduce other bloggers to a genre we love. For this challenge, pick a book or a few books that you think would make a great introduction to your genre of choice. Leave the answer or a link to your post where you answered in a comment to be entered in the giveaway. The winner will get to pick any of the books someone recommended for the challenge to be sent to them from Amazon or The Book Depository. The giveaway is open to people anywhere Amazon or The Book Depository deliver and will close tonight at midnight CST.

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