“Unraveling the Mystery Beneath the Surface: Discover the Hidden Currents of ‘Streams’ by Marcos Reyna!”

In the tapestry of life, every thread tells a story, a narrative woven through memories, places, and the very nature of human connection. What drives our pull toward water—be it the glistening riverbanks of Mesilla or the roaring rapids of the Rio Bravo? This deeply evocative piece by Marcos Reyna explores profound themes of loss, memory, and the streams that shape our lives. Through the lens of geography and personal experience, Reyna intertwines the fluidity of rivers with the rigidity of railroads, revealing how these elements symbolize not just physical pathways, but the emotional journeys we all undertake. So grab a seat and dive into the reflections of a life marked by the confluence of nature’s sounds and the bittersweet melodies of our past. What resonates with you more—the peaceful flow of water or the relentless rumble of trains? LEARN MORE.

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Looking out at a natural landscape at sunset with some brush and trees along a bank of a river

I. Mesilla, 1985

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