“Unraveling the Mystery: What Do Slow Brains Reveal About Humanity’s Survival Against Fast Tigers?”

Ever wonder why your brain feels like it’s stuck in slow motion while your gut is processing millions of bits of information in the blink of an eye? It’s a curious paradox, isn’t it? According to research by Zheng et al. (2024), our conscious minds manage to handle only a mere 10 to 40 bits of information per second, while our unconscious minds zip along, processing up to 100 million bits! So what gives? What’s going on with all that unfiltered data? It’s as if there’s a bustling highway of info racing by, and our conscious thoughts are stuck in traffic on a side street. In this article, we’ll delve into this intriguing question—because let’s face it, understanding the quirks of our own minds is nothing short of fascinating. Ready to unlock the mysteries of how our brains work? Click here to LEARN MORE.One of the mysteries of the brain is why our conscious minds are so slow.  We process on the order of 10 – 40 bits of information per second consciously – but up to 100 million bits of information per second unconsciously.  (Zheng et al., 2024) So what’s happening to all that information?  Wouldn’t it …

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