“Unraveling the Publishing Paradox: When Ambition Overrides Logic for Aspiring Authors”

"Unraveling the Publishing Paradox: When Ambition Overrides Logic for Aspiring Authors"


I am not categorically dismissing the prospect of being picked up by a traditional powerhouse publisher. Nor am I permanently closing the door on a movie deal or screenplay. (REAL deals like that won’t cost you a penny!) It certainly can happen but don’t allow your judgment to become clouded to such an extent that you make irreparable missteps in your venerable quest, and end up in the poor house. Angela and I have seen far too many educated, established authors fall prey to online scams because their judgment was clouded by their unrealistic expectations, as opposed to taking careful, measured steps with the assistance of experienced, disinterested counsel (not necessarily a lawyer). We all need a reality checker!

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