“Unraveling the Publishing Paradox: When Ambition Overrides Logic for Aspiring Authors”

"Unraveling the Publishing Paradox: When Ambition Overrides Logic for Aspiring Authors"

Our meeting was virtual. We have not met in person though we frequently text and call each other. We share a common cause. We both desire to eradicate “publishing” scams that have inundated Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn (among others!). These predatory miscreants have wreaked havoc on a formidable cottage industry (print on demand, a.k.a. POD) that was so popular it caused a Division of Bertelsmann, a worldwide media behemoth, to close the second largest paperback manufacturing plant in the United States. Somehow, Bertelsmann missed harbingers of the proliferation of POD technology. But, predators on Facebook, predominantly from Pakistan, India, and the Philippines, did not.

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