“Unraveling the Publishing Paradox: When Ambition Overrides Logic for Aspiring Authors”
Angela asked me to research why people fall prey to scammers – even the open and most obvious ones. I’m at a loss to comprehend this personality trait that seems to be inherent in the human corpus of aspiring authors. We melt. Our internal radar, the reticular activating system, which is designed to protect us, gets jammed.
Authors get so excited at the prospect of having their book published that caution gets thrown to the wind. Otherwise circumspect and conservative individuals become recklessly impetuous. Let’s be honest. We all believe (or hope!) that “my book” will become the next New York Times Best Seller. Some of us want our book to become a world renowned, blockbuster screenplay. Reality is nowhere to be found. We become inebriated and obsessed with the elusive limelight. I suppose it is akin to the intoxicating aroma of a new vehicle. Predatory POD publishers certainly embrace the tactics of a fervent car salesman! There is no shortage of ego-smoothing with those guys!
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