“Unraveling the Secret Bond: What Happened When Two Boys on Bicycles Took the Ride of a Lifetime?”

"Unraveling the Secret Bond: What Happened When Two Boys on Bicycles Took the Ride of a Lifetime?"

My 11-year-old daughter, the first of two children for my husband and me, sits in the car’s back seat as we drive to school. She looks up from her phone and notices the boys.

“Aww,” she says.

In the rearview mirror, our smiles meet and the car fills with hope.

Meet the Contributor
brad snyder writerBrad Snyder is a writer whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in River Teeth’s Beautiful Things, Sweet Lit, Under the Gum Tree, The Maine Review, The Gay & Lesbian Review, and elsewhere. He holds an MFA in creative nonfiction writing from Bay Path University. Brad lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his husband, daughter, son, and sometimes-warring cat and dogs.

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