“Unraveling the Secrets of ‘Traditions of a Mutt’: What Your Dog’s Mixed Breed Can Teach You About Love and Loyalty”
Now, in summer, I check daily for melanoma. Is that one new? Is this one asymmetrical? Hey, does this look like this picture? All summer long, I continually change the part in my hair, too. My exposed scalp becomes a bright shade of salmonberry red. Like the sash that once hung over my dresser. It gets some looks.
This pale skin has embarrassed me my entire life. And although I have now found a way to accept my whiteness, I still wonder, since I don’t have the typical skin and features of my ancestors, what I have to pass on to my children. If I also break some of my family cycles of trauma, what is left to give? What will be our traditions? Some nights, when the stars are out, I look up and give these questions to the sky. I let the moon and stars soak them up, thinking the rising of the sun will shine light on some answers. I’m still working on those answers.
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