“Unraveling the Secrets of Transformation: How ‘Points of Return’ Challenges Our Perceptions of Change”

In the world of contemporary poetry, few voices resonate with as much originality and creativity as Mike Lala’s. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to blend the structural finesse of opera with the raw intensity of poetry? Lala’s work, from his acclaimed Exit Theater—which snagged the 2016 Colorado Prize for Poetry—to his intriguing multi-channel sound installation Infinite Odyssey, challenges our notions of form and language. His poetry finds a home not just on the page, but also in performances and installations, weaving a tapestry of experiences that leave readers and audiences alike reflecting on the very fabric of narrative. Let’s dive into the remarkable portfolio of an artist who continually pushes boundaries in the literary arts! LEARN MORE

Mike Lala is the author of Exit Theater, winner of the 2016 Colorado Prize for Poetry, the chapbooks Twenty-Four Exits: A Closet Drama (Present Tense Pamphlets 2016) and In the Gun Cabinet (The Atlas Review 2016), the multichannel sound installation Infinite Odyssey (Pioneer Works 2017), and the opera Oedipus in the District (National Sawdust 2018, The Tank NYC 2019). Poems appear in BOMB, Boston Review, Fence, The Brooklyn Rail, Denver Quarterly, the PEN Poetry Series, and Hauser & Wirth’s Ursula. www.mikelala.com

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