“Unraveling the Shadowed Life of Father Earl Bierman: A Spiritual Struggle Against the Darkness Within”

"Unraveling the Shadowed Life of Father Earl Bierman: A Spiritual Struggle Against the Darkness Within"

This book is meant to memorialize the suffering of Earl Bierman’s and his bishops’ victims, and to honor it, even as we must memorialize and honor the suffering of such great crimes as the “Holy” Inquisition, the slaughter of American Indigenous Peoples and the Nazi Holocaust. Great crimes must be remembered. Victims deserve the justice of memory, and humanity requires the opportunity to learn from their suffering, perhaps to take steps to end it.

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author

Gregory Flannery is a former reporter for the Mount Washington Press and the Journal-News, former news editor of CityBeat and former editor of Streetvibes and Article 25. His work has also been published in St. Anthony Messenger, Sojourners, In These Times, The New Republic and Newsweek

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