“Unraveling the Shadows: What the Continentals Reveal About America’s Hidden Calamities”
In a struggle for power and territory, there seems to be no depth of immorality that people won’t sink to– including former Vice President Sirrah who assumed control of the presidency and claimed a critical territory in the northeastern states now known as The Meg. Citizens are operating in survival mode, making the boundaries of good versus evil, right versus wrong, and patriot versus rebel all the more unclear.
From food shortages to new foreign invasions, nuclear threats to voracious hogs in the NYC subway tunnels, American Calamity: The Continentals leaves no terrifying stone unturned in the sequel to the acclaimed dystopian page-turner, American Calamity. Perhaps the most alarming of all is that this fiction doesn’t stray far from what could be a future reality.
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