“Unraveling the Threads of Destiny: What Happens When the Past Repeats It’s Darkest Secrets in Hayley Notter’s ‘Again’?”

"Unraveling the Threads of Destiny: What Happens When the Past Repeats It's Darkest Secrets in Hayley Notter's 'Again'?"

Robert suctioned his face between my thighs, his tongue running up and down, and then in and out, and I folded my hands over my stomach, staring at the bookcase beside his bed. I found the spine of Macbeth, which we read together in junior year English. I spied Infinite Jest next to it, which he read last summer. The first summer he spent kissing me. His third summer dating Kaitlyn.

On top of the bookcase, four framed photos smiled down at us. Robert and his dad, Robert and his mom, Robert and his sister, everyone with their own frame. In my apartment, my family was displayed in the same way. Mother, father, brother. Easier to pretend we’d always been broken than to remember our separate shards had ever made a whole.

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