“Unraveling the Threads of Destiny: What Happens When the Past Repeats It’s Darkest Secrets in Hayley Notter’s ‘Again’?”
The first time I slept with another woman’s boyfriend, I decided not to think about it. The second time I slept with another woman’s boyfriend, I paused to feel the guilt. The truth was, by that point, I was desperate to feel anything, anything at all.
Robert hovered over me, the two of us in his freezing apartment that smelled of burnt meat. He was in grad school, like me, so it was all okay. None of this was for forever.
He said, “You’re so beautiful,” and I said “okay,” because it was a nice thing for him to say, but it reminded me of how often people told me I looked like my father. I wondered what Robert would say if I told him that the parts of my body he was kissing had never actually belonged to me.
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