“Unraveling Time: The Mysterious Connections of ‘One When’ and the Secrets Within”

In the intricate realm of poetry, where language dances on the edge of perception, a question often lingers: How do we reclaim our own voices amidst the cacophony of others? This thought-provoking piece invites us to explore the turbulence of identity and memory, as the speaker grapples with personal truths and the weight of external influences. With vivid imagery and a haunting resonance, the poem prompts us to reflect on the liberation—and sometimes the entrapment—found in our own narratives. In a world that often seeks to mold us, how do we stay true to the essence of who we are? Dive into this evocative exploration and let it stir the depths of your own experiences as we collectively strive to “let ourselves out.” For further insight, don’t miss the chance to delve deeper into the creative mind behind this work – [LEARN MORE](http://www.robindunn.com).

one when
no one shall bend my ear to your recourse the voice of course is morse
(but not mine)
in sea I find the memory mine not yours but mine
not yours but mine!
won’t you let me out?

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