“Unraveling Time: What Secrets Await in Patricia Bragdon’s ‘Now is the Hour’?”

"Unraveling Time: What Secrets Await in Patricia Bragdon's 'Now is the Hour'?"

Refusing Nigel, and ending the affair with the officer upon arrival at her destination, Thalia marries Douglas, but does not reveal the shipboard affair. She settles down to be a wife and mother, only to find that marriage guarantees neither fidelity nor honesty. She begins to suspect that Douglas is serially unfaithful to their marriage vows, and although her own conscience is hardly impeccable, she is appalled by his amorality and by the larcenous conduct he exhibits toward his dead brother. When he takes a new position in Belgium and imperiously orders her to make the arrangements to sell their house and move their household to Europe without his assistance and support, she is angry and resentful. Pregnant and with a toddler, she accomplishes this task, but begins to consider whether she wants to remain in the marriage.

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