“Unveiling Grief: Eiren Caffall Reveals the Hidden Wisdom in ‘The Mourner’s Bestiary'”

"Unveiling Grief: Eiren Caffall Reveals the Hidden Wisdom in 'The Mourner's Bestiary'"

And I think the more that we create narratives that demonstrate that my vulnerability is bound up with the vulnerability of plankton is bound up with the vulnerability of people in East Palestine, Ohio, is bound up with the vulnerability of a rich person in LA who just lost their house, is bound up with the people I’ll never meet across the planet—the more that we know that, the more that we explicate that in our art, the more that we create a narrative where we don’t feel, as people who are working actively against fascism, that we are isolated in a single identity or a single battle. Telling complex stories keeps us from becoming isolated and in fear. We each have to take on whatever thing we can do.

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