“Unveiling Secrets: Hollay Ghadery’s Journey from Book Publicist to Memoirist in ‘Fuse'”

"Unveiling Secrets: Hollay Ghadery's Journey from Book Publicist to Memoirist in 'Fuse'"

MDH: I know you also are a book reviewer; can you tell me more about this? Do you think it helps move the needle on book sales?

HG: I don’t know how many people read a review and think, “I need to buy that book.” It depends where the book review is. For those people who still read newspapers, maybe. Blogs, too. As an author and publicist, it is almost irrelevant to me whether reviews increase sales or not. They do two other important things. Number one, they make the authors happy, especially if the platform is prestigious. And two, it helps with visibility.

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