“Unveiling the Consequences: What Prompted My Radical Decision to Erase 30 Days of My Life?”

Ever feel like you’re sprinting toward a wall with no brakes? Well, I’ve been there—trust me! After an intense summer where I churned out around 30 stories, I found myself staring at a blank page in disbelief. Sometimes, the creative juices just dry up, and it feels like the universe is telling you to hit pause. That’s exactly what happened to me. For nearly a month, I ghosted my writing platforms and, frankly, it was both frustrating and oddly liberating. So, why did I go dark when the digital world kept spinning? Join me as I reflect on that hiatus, share some of my thoughts during that time, and explore what it really means to step back and recharge in this fast-paced writing life. If you’re grappling with writer’s block or simply craving a breather yourself, you might just find a nugget of wisdom here! LEARN MORE.

An Untethered Life

And why I went dark for a few weeks

Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

Anyone who writes on a schedule — self-imposed or otherwise — viscerally understands the concept of hitting a wall. There comes a time for everyone, even the most prolific of online writers, to simply run out of content to write about and the energy to write about it.

For me, that time was last month. After struggling mightily to publish about 30 stories on Medium in the month of July, my productivity dipped noticeably in August and then fell off a cliff towards the end of September. In fact, I didn’t publish anything on this site for almost a full month.

I didn’t just stop publishing on Medium, however. I put a hold on my newsletter as well. Overall, I completely stopped writing in public for about four weeks.

Now, I’m not so egotistical as to think that my absence was noted far and wide, or even at all. Let’s face it: I’m a two-bit hack with a handful of followers who writes about writing on a blogging site. I’m not exactly Hemingway or Bob Woodward over here.

But, on the off-chance that anyone was wondering, I did spend the time during my brief hiatus semi-productively. And I thought I’d provide a short update, explanation, and post-mortem on my vacation from online…

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