“Unveiling the Secrets of Cinematic Success: Shari Hamrick Grewal’s Journey from Behind the Camera to Directing Dreams!”
Yeah, perfect, perfect. Yeah, so everyone can just definitely check that out. SixFigureFilmFestival.com. You can get tickets and get all the specific details. So, Shari, I just really appreciate all your time coming on and talking with us today. I like to end the interviews just by asking the guests. Is there anything you’ve been watching recently? HBO, Netflix, Hulu that you can recommend to our mostly screenwriting audience?
Shari Hamrick Grewal
Well, I watch everything. I had some time off this weekend and we have been like venting, catching up on films that I’ve missed, you know, things like Twisters. You know, I didn’t get a chance to see that.
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