“Unveiling the Secrets of RockChuck Summit: What Lies Beneath the Majestic Peaks?”
Pay “starts at $0.07/word on up and we like to pay from $45-$75 a piece
“All submissions must include at least one hi res photo that is automatically adjusted/scaled for mobile, web, social sharing and cover to featured image. The more art/photos included, the better your piece generally does. Rights to use must be granted to Rockchucksummit. We prefer you own your photos or, if rights need to be negotiated, that you contact us.”
“Sell me your story! Tell me what YOU are worth. Let me know what YOU can bring to our audience and then we’ll work together to make that happen. I can bring you a fast website, state of the art analytics, reporting, online chat and discussions to work with peers and help monetize the content and reward authors that bring people to our website. We’ll work to grow our site and grow your business. My success is your success. Understand keywords, SEO, story telling and have a connection either growing or already established in what you write about.”
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