“Unveiling the Shadows: How Triple Exposure Transforms Perception and Reality”
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New York City, 1976: Dr. Rebecca “Golda” Rothman, clinical social worker, believes that Dostoevsky and Ibsen understood human behavior better than Sigmund Freud. She treats her clients at The New York City Employee Mental Health Service (EMHS) as literary works in progress instead of rigid categories from The Physicians Desk Reference of Psychiatric Disorder, but one morning she enters her office and finds that her client Hannah Kovacs’ zany novel has suddenly become a short story with a tragic ending. Since Hannah feigned narcoleptic attacks to persuade Golda to certify her for disability benefits, the police assume she fell awkwardly and struck her head. They declare her death accidental. Golda is skeptical. Hannah’s falls were part of a manipulative performance. Why stage one without an audience?