“Unveiling the Tides of Transformation: Ananya S. Guha’s Poignant Exploration of Change”

In the dance of the seasons, do we ever stop to ponder how impermanence shapes our world? As raindrops wash over the roads today, we’re treated to an unexpected serenade of surprises, while the sun timidly peeks through the clouds, heralding the arrival of summer. It’s a spectacle to behold—the kind of beauty born from winter’s lingering grip, challenging our patience with its fits and starts. Ah, the seasons change, just like the stories woven into our lives, yet don’t we often find ourselves clamoring for transformation? This poetic reflection captures both the essence of change and the stubbornness of the past, as the hills stand watch beneath a restless sky. Isn’t it fascinating how nature mirrors our own struggles and hopes? Join me in exploring this vivid tapestry of emotions and imagery, and perhaps, you’ll find a piece of your own journey within. LEARN MORE.

The rains today have washed
roads, created ripples of surprise, as the sun peeked
amidst clouds to make this summer annunciation.
After winter’s foreboding for months in toil,
summer’s declaration hazily came. In fits and starts. Bits and pieces and winter sporadically entered. Change of seasons. We clamour for change every time these hills are under the watchful eyes of the sky. Earthquake tremors flash. Change will be, never.

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