“Unveiling the Unexpected: How ‘With Wings As Eagles’ Soars Beyond Conventional Narrative Boundaries”
In the tumultuous backdrop of World War II, the screenplay “With Wings as Eagles” offers a unique twist, plunging us into the heart of conflict through the eyes of a German war hero, Nicholas Von Ostermann. Tasked with the chilling mission of exterminating 8,000 American POWs, Ostermann finds himself at a moral crossroads and—surprise, surprise—decides to help them escape instead! Written by the once-celebrated screenwriter Randall Wallace, who gained fame with “Braveheart,” this 1997 draft was once the talk of Hollywood, even attracting the iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger. But what transpires when big-name stars have a change of heart? Will this gripping drama ever make it to the silver screen? As we dive into this screenplay’s wild narrative—and its many twists and turns—we can’t help but ponder: Can even the most ruthless soldiers discover their humanity amidst chaos? Join me as we sift through this intriguing narrative filled with potential, pitfalls, and a dash of Hollywood history. LEARN MORE.
Genre: Drama/Action/WW2
Premise: At the tail end of World War 2, a German war hero is tasked with exterminating 8000 American POWs… but instead helps them escape.
About: Today’s screenplay takes us back to the fruitful screenwriting decade that was the 1990s. Randall Wallace was one of the hottest screenwriters in the world. Just two years previous, in 1995, his movie, “Braveheart,” would capture audiences everywhere and go on to win the Oscar for Best Picture. Today’s 1997 Wallace script had Arnold Schwarzzeneger eagerly ready to commit. However, after Arnold changed his mind, the project never picked up enough steam again to make it to the finish line.
Writer: Randall Wallace
Details: 109 pages
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