Writing Cooperative Submissions Update

A quick note about the current submission review time and (what I hope is) a Medium bug.

Happy Sunday, everyone! This is typically the day that I review submissions and schedule them for future publication. Unfortunately, I’m unable to leave private notes on any submission today. I don’t know if this is a Medium bug or a new feature. What I do know is that being unable to leave private notes makes reviewing submissions extremely difficult.

I leave a note on every submission with either a publication date or notes about rejection. It doesn’t feel right to schedule or reject without notice, so I’ve put submission review on pause until I can figure this out.

Thank you for understanding and, if you have any insight, please send it my way. *cough* Tony Stubblebine *cough*


Writing Cooperative Submissions Update was originally published in The Writing Cooperative on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Author: Justin Cox