Amusing little morning nosegays [by Mitch Sisskind]

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'BE RDS !'

‘I’d rather get my ass whipped with a plank
‘Than go to a dinner party.’ For these words
We have Billy Bob Thornton to thank
As for morning’s songs we thank the birds.

Noem (2)















Now listen here and you listen good

Don’t you dare go around using that 

Expression it’s not my first rodeo!

I hate that expression and it’s been 

Cropping up like the kudzu plant so

If you want to use an expression 

You’d best say the jury is still out or 

That’s a horse of a different color or

Katie bar the door like if the dentist 

Wants to take your teeth out you say

Katie bar the door or say Jesus Christ

Or Christ Jesus which is six of one or

Half a dozen of the other and bull riders

Didn’t used to wear football helmets.  


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Author: Mitch Sisskind