“Are You Smothering Your Partner? 8 Subtle Signs You’re Overstepping Boundaries”

"Are You Smothering Your Partner? 8 Subtle Signs You're Overstepping Boundaries"

Take it from me; it can be a lot of fun!

4) They’re overcompensating with affection

Now, this may feel counterintuitive. Isn’t a partner showering you with affection a good thing? Well, not always.

Sometimes, when a partner feels suffocated, they might overcompensate with excessive displays of love or affection.

It’s their way of managing the anxiety they feel about the lack of personal space in the relationship.

You see, as humans, we are complex and often react in ways that might seem contradictory. As I always say, relationships are not a straight line; they’re more like a winding path with unexpected turns.

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