Rock ‘n’ roll is about having fun.
If you keep yourself in one piece to live long enough, well done!
Parents told off by their children for pretending to be happily married at a local fair.
Morris dancers from Ipswich in a square.
Drop-out students, apart from one, flunk ‘Psychedelia; the rock-social revolution of the 1960s”
as they get pissed and take the piss out of hippies.
Moos and boos and baas and aaaahhs!
Don’t worry ’bout us; we’ll vote and cuss, but thank your lucky stars
we’re as revolutionary as our prospects are bright
being kept in the dark in soundproof drawers.
As trapped miners get pulled up into the light
They’re soon forgotten to a round of applause.
That was the age of Aquarius
but this of boardroom power and the how-dare-you-us.
It’s getting harder and harder to get up in the morning these days.
Must be those glass things of backward loops and handshakes they keep bringing on their trays.
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Author: aprettykettleofpoetry