Two online workshops this summer… my only ones in 2023! Plus, my series of 10 one-week online Craft classes!

In September 2016, I began a new chapter in my creative journey as an assistant professor of screenwriter at the film school at DePaul University. As a result, I will only offer group workshops — Prep: From Concept to Outline and Pages I: Writing the First Draft — in the summer which means the next sessions I will lead will begin in July. Here’s the schedule:

Prep: From Concept to Outline

Pages I: Writing The First Draft

Prep: From Concept to Outline: This 6-week online workshop guides you through the story development process from concept to outline. I will personally mentor writers through the same process featured in my book The Protagonist’s Journey: An Introduction to Character-Driven Screenwriting and Storytelling.


A proven, professional approach to prep-writing: From a Protagonist Character Treatment to a Master Brainstorming List, Ten Major Plotline Points to Scene-By-Scene Outline


  • Six lectures to guide you through the prep-writing process
  • 24/7 online forum discussions moderated by instructor
  • Weekly writing assignments to develop and build your story
  • Instructor and class feedback
  • Due dates to motivate you to write and post assignments
  • A weekly teleconference with instructor and class members
  • Learn a character-driven approach to breaking story


Screenwriters, TV writers, novelists, and playwrights who want to develop their story to an outline enabling them to have the confidence to pound out a first draft.

“From Concept to Outline is a course I wish I had known about years ago. I would recommend this wholeheartedly for anyone who is about to embark on their first script or ANY script. This lays the foundation stone to your story.”

— Camilla Castree

Pages I: Writing the First Draft: There is only one rule about a first draft: “Get the damn thing done.” In this 10-week online workshop, you will use a series of lectures and weekly writing assignments to pound out pages and push you from FADE IN to FADE OUT with me as your mentor every step of the way.


A professional approach to writing a first draft, everything from hitting deadlines to constructive critique, how to handle page notes to finding the motivation to write even when you don’t want to, and much more.


Screenwriters who will benefit from the structure of an online class to encourage them to start and finish a complete screenplay draft.

“Over the years I’ve bought and read many books on screenwriting. None of them got me as far in my goals and understanding as the Pages I: The First Draft workshop with Scott Myers. Scott was a mentor, brain-stormer, and cheerleader. I felt encouraged and informed all the way to Fade Out.”

– Dawn LeFever

People are already starting to sign up for both sessions and in order to ensure I have sufficient time to provide feedback on everyone’s story development and script pages, there is a hard cap on enrollment in each workshop, so if you are interested, I recommend you sign up soon.

Prep: From Concept to Outline

Pages I: Writing The First Draft

I’m excited to lead these workshops again. I created both fourteen years ago when Screenwriting Master Class launched and it’s amazing what a creative and productive experience it is for participating writers.

Hold on! There’s more! For those of you wanting to dig into the intricacies of the screenwriting craft, I will be leading a bi-weekly cycle of ten (10) online Craft classes in the summer and fall.

Plus, I have two special deals for you! Check out the entire schedule of 10 Craft classes I will be offering in 2023:

July 24: Pixar and the Craft of Storytelling
Learn More

August 7: Story Summaries — From Loglines to Beat Sheets
Learn More

August 21: Handling Exposition
Learn More

September 4: Scene Description Spotlight
Learn More

September 18: Character Development Keys
Learn More

October 2: Create a Compelling Protagonist
Learn More

October 16: Write a Worthy Nemesis
Learn More

October 30: Scene-Writing Workshop
Learn More

November 13: Dialogue-Writing Workshop
Learn More

November 27: The Coen Brothers and the Craft of Storytelling
Learn More

The first special offer: Each Craft class is on sale. Regular price: $95. Sale price: $79.

But here’s the really big second deal: You can enroll in the Craft Package which includes all 10 Craft classes at a savings of nearly 50% off the already discounted sale price. Special price: $400. That’s each course for $40 apiece! You not only get all 10 one-week classes, you also obtain exclusive access to the Craft Package site enabling you to go through all of the Craft lectures — 70 in all, each written by me — at your own pace and on your own time.

Know somebody who’s a writer? Or is someone looking to get you a special writing gift? Check out the Craft Package for something truly unique and turn the rest of 2023 into an excellent learning opportunity.

If you’ve ever wanted to work with me as a teacher, here’ s your chance.

Prep: From Concept to Outline

Pages I: Writing The First Draft

Craft Package

I hope to have the opportunity to work with you in 2023!

My Teaching Schedule was originally published in Go Into The Story on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Author: Scott Myers

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