West Covina or Rancho Cucamonga (by Mitch Sisskind)

Got a phone number where you talk
To dead people of course they’re not
Really dead it’s just some guy out in
West Covina or Rancho Cucamonga
But what the hell, right? What the hell!
You call the number and you say which
Dead person you want to talk to so I said
Who’s the most popular dead person and
The guy said Hitler so I said sounds good
Tell Hitler to call me so I can talk to Hitler.
Pretty soon the phone rang and a guy said
This is Hitler so I said hey what’s up Hitler
How are things in West Covina or over in
Rancho Cucamonga because it’s a scam
Man this is a scam and we both know it!

May be an image of map


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Author: Mitch Sisskind