
Join me down the waterfront at The Prospect.
Millions of memories going introspect.
Well maybe not millions but quite a few.
We’ll have a couple of pints or the proverbial one or two.

The world spins round at such a pace
with its starter pistol at the start of its rat race
that before you know it, your day is already what happened yesterday
and what you thought would last forever has gone and buggered off to a time far far away.

You’re an elegant woman and a handsome one too.
That’s nothing new.
Bad angels curse good angels and good angels give as good as they get.
Fancy smashing up some glass mansions to let?

Just a little word in your ear.
Shall I whisper it so you can’t hear?
I suffer from nostalgia.
And if my memory serves me well, Miss O’Connor gave me a sticker star for it.

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Author: aprettykettleofpoetry